About Me


Birth: 31/12/2004
Address: Bien Hoa city
Class: DH22DTC
Student ID: 22130066
email: daoduchai993@gmail.com

The reason I chose IT

Information technology (IT) is everywhere, present in all areas of social life. IT is currently an industry that is invested in and focused on development in every country, from poor countries to developed industrial countries

subject I learn

Not really a subject but I want to improve my abilities by learning these skills


HTML is the foundation of the site and CSS helps define the style (everything that makes up the website interface). CSS is a presentation language, used to style the appearance of website content. Elements include fonts, colors, etc.

Creative Ideas

is a unique and innovative concept in generating new and different ideas. This is a great source of inspiration in solving problems, providing solutions and creating unique products or services, helping to create innovation and development in the fields of art, business and technology. turmeric.

Easy Customize

customized according to customer requirements 1. Your product will be designed by you, the color is also your choice. After that, manufacturers only carry out assembly and production according to your requirements.

Admin Dashboard

Dashboard is a tool used for information management and business intelligence. This is a technical dashboard used to collect and synthesize all data of a business. Through the dashboard, businesses can accurately know and have an overview of the productivity of departments in the company and promptly grasp trends on the pages.

My Picture

These are a few photos I saved to my collection and want to share with everyone

Forest lake landscape

You can use it to change your desktop wallpaper


Working in groups can help you understand your friends better


The cuteness of kittens helps us forget about fatigue


Cooperation, help and tolerance are the keys to connecting friendship

Moraine lake

This scene was so beautiful that I thought it was only in my dreams


These portable batteries act like kittens

Contact Me

You can contact me by filling in your name, email, subject and message me in the message section. Or you can private message using the facebook link on the left.